ALPE PRAGAS - MON-FRI: 8:00 - 12.00 & 13.00 - 18.00 | SAT: 09.00 - 12.30 & 13.30 - 18.00 | SUN: CLOSED
CO2 neutral energy production
In the energetic field, our aim is the total reduction of CO2 emissions resulting from production and consumption.
As energy, we understand both the electricity, and the heat and steam we consume. Different possible methods to achieve this goal are the strict reduction and optimization of our processes and a shift towards renewable resources.
Active role
As mentioned before, the main aspect is to complete the largest possible shift towards renewable energy production in all our applications. Now, we identify the energy resources that require intervention at the moment:
1. Electricity from a hydropower plant in South Tyrol;
2. Steam production in a boiler powered by liquid gas;
3. Fuel for cars and emergency generators.
While the electricity from a hydropower plant already supports the mission to become CO2-neutral, the steam production still means some work.
Our final goal would be to eliminate Fossil Fuels for Steam production and our backup system.
Today we use local sustainable energy
Our energy supplier is Alperia, which is specialized in hydro plants. It combines two very important aspects: CO2 neutral energy production and regionality. As we are trying to create supply chains and value gaining in our region, we are very content in trusting this company.
The CO2 neutral electricity production is a big step towards being an Eco manufactory.