
The quince (Cydonia oblonga) belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae) and is closely related to apples and pears. Originally from the Caucasus and Anatolia, it is now cultivated in many regions of Europe,
including Italy. With its distinctive growth, bright yellow fruits, and fragrant blossoms, the quince tree is a remarkable feature in orchards and gardens.

Quinces are typically round or pear-shaped and have a firm, often slightly uneven skin covered with a fine, velvety fuzz. The flesh is hard, dense, and has a grainy texture. Due to their high tannin content, raw quinces are very astringent and tart, which is why they are usually consumed only after cooking or processing. It is through this transformation that the quince develops its full, intense aroma – a refined combination of sweet,fruity, and slightly tangy notes with hints of honey, apple, and citrus.

Our tip: The quince products from Alpe Pragas can be enjoyed in many ways – perfect as a fragrant, fruity filling for tarts or as a delightful pairing with fresh cheese and blue cheese. For gourmet lovers who appreciate a refined spiciness, we recommend our quince and mustard chutney.

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2 products
Fruit preserve Quince 335g
The original
Fruit preserve Quince 335g
Regular price €7,50
Unit price €22,39kg
Alpe Pragas, Mostarda Mela cotogna & Senape 160g
The original
Chutney Quince and Mustard 160g
Regular price €6,40
Unit price €40,00kg