ALPE PRAGAS - MON-FRI: 8:00 - 12.00 & 13.00 - 18.00 | SAT: 09.00 - 12.30 & 13.30 - 18.00 | SUN: CLOSED
Ricotta cream cups with fruit preserve

400 g ricotta cheese
200 ml fresh cream
2 tablespoons of fine brown sugar
2 soft ladyfingers or other biscuits
160 g of Christmas or Winter Dream fruit preserve
a few sprigs of rosemary
1 untreated lemon
1/2 tablespoon icing sugar
Mix the ricotta with the brown sugar, grated lemon peel and a few finely chopped rosemary needles; gently incorporate the whipped cream.
Distribute the mixture in 4 glasses, alternating it with the fruit preserve of your choice.
Finish with the chopped biscuits, the rosemary sprigs turned upside down so that they look like little trees, and a sprinkling of icing sugar.