ALPE PRAGAS - MON-FRI: 8:00 - 12.00 & 13.00 - 18.00 | SAT: 09.00 - 12.30 & 13.30 - 18.00 | SUN: CLOSED
New identity, ever more passion

present ourselves and in the way we communicate about ourselves and our products. While retaining our unmistakable character, we have
redefined our company logo, our packaging packaging and our product lines.
A new look at nature's delights
The illustrations of our fruits have always been an integral part of the Alpe Pragas experience. The new botanical drawings, hand-drawn by AnneliesLeitner, make our products even more authentic and something special. The variety of flavours is evenmore unique.For us, sustainability also means clear communication,which is why we have also redesigned our entire website. More modern, simpler and more intuitive.
Thank you for your trust.
Stefan & Karoline